
Most pets will need some type of pet surgery during their lifetimes, whether it’s a common procedure like spaying or neutering or for a more serious condition caused by an injury, defect, or illness. When your pet needs surgery the Broadway Veterinary Hospital is ready to coordinate it whether the surgery is performed here or at a referral hospital. We have a modern surgical facility at our hospital supported by a fully trained staff to ensure they’ll get the best possible care.

Pet Surgery Services We Provide

Our hospital provides a full range of surgical procedures including:

  • Spay and neuter
  • Oral surgery
  • Ophthalmic surgery
  • Tumor removal
  • Abdominal and soft tissue procedures

The Pet Surgery Procedure

When a surgical procedure is necessary, your vet will conduct a complete physical examination and a thorough analysis of blood and urine samples will be completed at our diagnostic laboratory. This will discover any underlying issues that might cause complications and help to devise an anesthesia protocol for your pet.

BVH offers routine general soft tissue surgery services to our patients. To help prevent any complications under anesthesia, all patients are intubated to provide oxygen and anesthesia as well as to keep the airways clear. All surgical patients will also have an intravenous catheter placed to administer any drugs as well as to provide IV fluid support.

During anesthesia, several different parameters are continuously monitored to ensure that your pet is stable (electrocardiogram, oxygen saturation of the blood, temperature, amount of carbon dioxide being exhaled, blood pressure, sensation, etc.), and adjustments are made if any of these parameters are not in an acceptable range.

After the procedure, your pet will rest in a recovery room for observation for a few hours until they can go home with you, although in some cases your vet may want to transfer them to a 24-hour facility for overnight care and observation. Our veterinarian will advise you on aftercare at home.

In the event that your animal requires a surgical procedure that cannot be performed at BVH, a referral to one of the local specialty hospitals will be made so that a board-certified veterinary surgeon can perform the surgery.

Broadway Veterinary Hospital provides comprehensive animal health care services in Durham, NC. To schedule an appointment please use our online form and we’ll contact you shortly.